How to pronounce weimaraner

How do you pronounce Weimaraner?

Weimaraner. To give the gray ghost’s name its correct pronunciation in German, you would say “VY-mah-rrrrah-ner,” but most people in the U.S. pronounce the W and say “WY-mah-rah-ner.” Either option is acceptable.

What does Weimaraner mean in German?

The Weimaraner is an all-purpose gun dog. The name comes from the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, Karl August, whose court, located in the city of Weimar (now in the state of Thuringia in modern-day Germany), enjoyed hunting.

How do you day a Weimaraner?

Phonetic spelling of Weimaraner
  • weimaran-er.
  • Wei-maraner.
  • Sea Rea Me Lee.
  • vahy-muh-rah-ner.
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